Write a method that takes an array of integers

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131565715


Consider an interface
public interface NumberFormatter
String format (in n);
Provide four classes that implement this interface. A DefaultFormatter formats an integer in the usual way. A DecimalSeparatorFormatter formats an integer with decimal separators; for example, one million as 1,000,000. An AccountingFormatter formats negative numbers with
parenthesis; for example, -1 as (1). A BaseFormatter formats the number as base n, where n is any number between 2 and 36 that is provided in the constructor.

Write a method that takes an array of integers and a NumberFormatter object and prints each number on a separate line, formatted with the given formatter. The numbers should be right aligned.

Provide a test class that shows the program working with an array of numbers.

Reference no: EM131565715

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