Write a method that takes a string as input

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131590509


a. What lines are in the scope of the variable i declared at line 16? b. What lines are in the scope of the variable k declared at line 7? c. What lines are in the scope of the variable k declared at line 26? d. Provide a trace table for this program. What is the final output? Keep in mind the scopes of the variables while making your trace table. How many columns will it need? (Trace the program first, then type it into Eclipse to verify your answer).

2. Write a method that takes a String as input and returns the reverse of that String. Then write a second method that uses the first method to test whether or not an input String is a palindrome. Your method should return true if the String is a palindrome, and false otherwise. Palindromes were discussed in Exercise 2 of Closed Lab 06, and you should use the same definition here. In addition, write a main method that tests your method with a variety of Strings that should return true and false values.

3. Using the methods you wrote for the above question, write a method that takes a Scanner as an input parameter and returns a String as a result. The method should print a prompt to the screen asking the user to enter a palindrome. It should then test the input. If it is not a palindrome, it should print an error message and continue asking for a palindrome until the user provides one. Once a palindrome has been input, the method should return it. In addition, write a main method that uses this method and displays the final palindrome to the screen.

4. Write a method named rowOfStars that takes a single integer parameter n and returns a String with that many stars in it. For example, calling the method with a value of 3 would cause the String "***" to be returned.

5. Using the method you wrote for the previous question, write a method that takes a single integer parameter n and prints a triangle of stars to the screen that has a height and base size equal to n. For example, calling the method with a value of 4 will produce the triangle:




Reference no: EM131590509

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