Reference no: EM13165173
Write a menu driven program for an online beef distribution company. There are 8 different
grades of beef in U.S.A.:
Canner (ID: 11), Cutter (ID: 12), Utility (ID: 13), Commercial (ID: 14), Standard (ID: 15), Select
(ID: 16), Choice (ID: 17), Prime (ID: 18).
Note: You should not expect the users to memorize the IDs of the beef grades.
The menu items are:
- Purchase Beef (by the user)
- Sell Beef (to the company)
- Display inventory of a specific grade
- Display inventory of all the grades
- Quit program
In this program, you are required to do the following:
A. Declare and initialize three parallel arrays as follows (also see bonus features below)
a. inventory of each beef grade - 100 lbs each,
b. unit price - the lowest grade, i.e. Canner, is $5.50, and each better grade is $2.50
more expensive than the previous grade), and
c. total inventory cost for each grade (i.e. inventory x unit price).
The resulting arrays after initialization should have the following values:
Beef ID 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Inventory 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Unit Price 5.50 8.00 10.50 13.00 15.50 18.00 20.50 23.00
Inv. Cost 550 800 1050 1300 1500 1800 2050 2300
B. Write separate functions to perform the menu items(Purchase, Sell, Display individual
inventory, and Display all inventory).
- If an option other than specified is entered, display a message that the option is not
- For menu items Purchase and Sell, the program should display the 8 beef grades and
corresponding IDs clearly and prompt the user to enter the ID of the grade, and the
quantity to purchase (i.e. to deduct from current inventory) or sell (to add to current
inventory). The inventory cost should also be updated.
- If the user enters a grade other than the specified, display an appropriate message to
the user, and ask the user to retry.
- If the user enters a negative number for the quantity, display an appropriate message
to the user and ask the user to retry.
- For Purchase, if the user wants to buy more than the current inventory quantity,
display an appropriate message to the user and ask the user to retry.
- For both Display operations, the program should display detailed information (ID,
inventory, unit cost and inventory cost) of either a particular grade specified by the
user or all the 8 beef grades. Pay attention to the formatting of the display.
- The program should run continually until the user chooses to Quit.