Write a memo to your boss with your request

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131752713


The scenario:

Imagine you have been in job for a few years and have decided to ask your supervisor for something that would make you more productive. For example, your request could be for an expensive piece of equipment or software program, new furniture for your office, or funding from the company to attend a week-long training class in California.

Write a memo (one-page maximum, using MS Word) to your boss with your request. The goal is for your boss to grant your request, so you should choose language that is formal enough to address a superior.

Reference no: EM131752713

Questions Cloud

What would need to limit the material and labor costs to : Assuming no direct factory overhead costs (i.e., inventory carry costs) and $3 million dollars in combined promotion and sales budget, the Brat product manager.
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Who gave approval for human subject participants : What are the conclusions of the authors about the study?Does the author's research suggest any direction for further research? If so, summarize.
Write a memo to your boss with your request : Write a memo to your boss with your request. The goal is for your boss to grant your request, so you should choose language that is formal enough to address.
What is the per-unit cost to manufacture one unit : Athletics, Inc. completed Job No. C04 during 2015. The job cost sheet listed the following: Direct materials $110,000 Direct labor $60,000
What is the eac of two projects : What is the EAC of two projects: project A, which costs $230 and is expected to last two years, and project B, which costs $300 and is expected to last three?
Prepare the intercompany transaction worksheet elimination : Prepare the intercompany transaction worksheet elimination for the preparation of the 2016 consolidated financial statements.
Identify types of budget variances : Identify the following types of budget variances by indicating if they are temporary/ permanent and favorable/unfavorable.


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