Write a memo to wayne wiadrowski

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM132300569


You are an experienced audit manager at Samway Baker Fitzgerald (SBF), an accounting firm with offices in Orange, WaggaWagga, Tamworth, Port Macquarie and Albury in NSW, Toowoomba in Queensland and Ballarat in Victoria. In the next 18 months, you hope to be promoted to partner at the Orange office. Although a medium sized firm by national standards, SBF includes Australia's largest regionally based auditing practice. Most of SBF's audit clients are in the mining, manufacturing, and agriculture industries. For various reasons all of those industries are currently under pressure-mining from a downturn in commodity prices, manufacturing from fierce overseas competition and agriculture from a devastating drought that continues to grip Eastern Australia.


Write a memo to Wayne Wiadrowski that addresses the questions below. Use the required format to answer each question.

Question 1
Using the additional information provided, analyse each ratio provided to identify a potential audit risk. For each potential audit risk, outline an audit procedure that could be undertaken to reduce that audit risk. Answer this question using the following headings in a table:

Question 2
Identify the internal control weaknesses in the inventory system outlined above and the potential audit risk. For each potential audit risk, outline an audit procedure that could be undertaken to reduce that audit risk. Answer this question using the following headings in a table:

Question 3
Wayne will perform test counts at API's year-end stocktakes. From which population should he select samples to address the completeness assertion and from which population should he select samples to address the existence assertion? In addition, advise Wayne on how he should select the actual samples to test the existence and completeness assertions at each location. Justify the methods suggested. Answer this question using the table:

learning outcome/s:
- be able to demonstrate risk management methodologies and the role of internal controls in an audit context.
- be able to design an audit plan and select and apply appropriate audit procedures for a financial statement audit.
- be able to exercise critical and reflective judgement and appreciate the value of ethical practice.

Attachment:- Questions.rar

Reference no: EM132300569

Questions Cloud

The principles of law that make an enforceable contract : Regarding contract elements, what are the principles of law that make an enforceable contract?
What would you include in your classroom : For this week's assignment, you will design a literacy-rich classroom environment. If money were no object, and you could do anything you want.
Talk the talk regarding ethics and ethical conduct : Some organizations only “talk the talk” regarding ethics and ethical conduct rather than “walk” the ethical organizational path.
Demonstrate a lack of bladder control : Linda is a twelve-year-old sixth grader who has just moved into your school boundaries and before she starts school, her parents requested a meeting.
Write a memo to wayne wiadrowski : ACC568 - Auditing - Charles Sturt University - Write a memo to Wayne Wiadrowski that addresses the questions below. Use the required format to answer
Ethical decision-making style as presented in the module : Brie?y explain your ethical decision-making style as presented in the module.
Concepts that help in analyzing the bio-tek case : How do each of these theories/concepts that help in analyzing the Bio-Tek case. Likewise attention might be paid to extant and absent management practices.
What levels of the theory are being addressed the most : Search the library databases and find a journal article that utilizes ecological systems theory in some capacity. As you search the databases.
What does corporate social responsibility : Choose a not-for-profit or for-profit organization that has a board. What does corporate social responsibility mean to your organization?



5/7/2019 3:09:03 AM

Remember just as it was for Case Study A, the final two criteria in relation to professional communication and referencing, will be taken into account as part of the marks awarded for the marking criteria for each question. Finally you should be able to answer all parts of this assessment adequately in 3,000 words.


5/7/2019 3:08:56 AM

The final question is all about how you go about selecting the sample to undertake testing and comes from Topic 7 and chapter 10 of the textbook but not the back half of the chapter from pp.471-484 which covers statistical sampling in particular and is out of scope of the subject. As with the previous questions you should structure your answer as instructed. For each of the assertions you are first being asked from which population (or data source) you would select your sample from. If you have a good understanding of the two assertions (completeness and existence) this should be quite straightforward. From there you simply need to decide the best sample selection method for each assertion (which is covered on pages 465 to 469 in the textbook) and in the final column justify why that is the best sample selection for that assertion—note that there is not necessarily one right answer for the final two columns. As per the marking criteria, the strength of your justification will determine how many marks you are awarded.


5/7/2019 3:08:48 AM

This question is about internal controls and is covered in topic 6 (chapter 7 of your text) but it has a similar pattern to question 1. I have not placed a limit on the number of internal control weaknesses that should be identified but somewhere between 8 and 10 would probably be appropriate. This question then asks you to explain how each identified internal control weakness will impact the audit. For example if production orders for finished goods are not authorised prior to being sent then orders could be placed for finished goods that are no longer required, which would have implications for the value of inventory. Just like question 1 the final column asks you to outline the audit procedures you might need to undertake to reduce audit risk from that internal control weakness. So continuing the example, if there was a weakness internal controls that adversely impacted the valuation of inventory, audit procedures would need to be considered that highlight slow moving or obsolete inventory items. Remember your detection risk matrix (p.163 of the textbook).


5/7/2019 3:08:38 AM

Question 1 is about using analytics and other information as a planning tool that identifies potential issues that could impact on audit risk. This is covered in topic 5 and chapter 5 of the textbook. The first part of this question is asking you to analyse each ratio listed—this means considering its actual performance in and against budget and industry benchmarks, other related ratios and importantly any other important information provided in the question. In the next section under audit risk you then have to consider what that analysis means for your audit—if for example inventory turnover has deteriorated then the impact on the audit will likely be an increased risk that inventory is overvalued but make sure you briefly explain why. The final column is all about audit procedures that could be taken during the audit to reduce audit risk. For example what audit procedures could you undertake for example to gather sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to ensure that you could determine the true value of inventory?


5/7/2019 3:08:31 AM

As this is a comprehensive case study your responses should be presented as a single memo— remember you are the auditor planning the audit so you should write from that perspective. You will also notice however that there are 3 distinct questions which you have to answer, and all of them contain clear instructions about how to structure your answer. So you must use sub-headings to identify your answer to each question. Something more creative than Question 1, 2 and 3 would be good. Surprise me!


5/7/2019 3:08:26 AM

Just a short memo to step you through a few key things to think about when preparing your assessment item 3 – case study B—which is due on 12 May, not that far away. This assessment is worth 20%. A poor performance in this task could significantly impact on your final grade in this subject. As was the case with Case Study A, you need to ensure that you are up to date with your studies as per the study schedule. This assessment covers parts of topics 4, 5, 6 and 7. Remember the marking criteria table has been available to you, in the subject outline, since the beginning of session, so you should be familiar with it.


5/7/2019 3:07:52 AM

Question 3 Development and justification of sample selection methods (4 marks). Comprehensive, insightful, and coherent development of and justification for sample selection methods that address both assertions. Professional communication * Arial 10pt or TNR 12 pt. font; * 1.5 or double line spacing; * accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word choice. . Focused, intelligible, accurate, and concise statements are structured and organised in a manner that facilitates the reader’s understanding. Appropriate resources and correct referencing . Seamlessly and articulately integrated evidence from at least three credible, relevant sources. All work has been referenced correctly as per APA (6th ed.) requirements.


5/7/2019 3:07:40 AM

Question 2 Appraisal of the client's internal control environment and application to the audit risk model (4 marks) Comprehensive, and coherent explanation for the choice of internal control weaknesses, demonstrating an insightful understanding of those that most significantly impact audit risk Development of a series of audit steps to overcome audit risk resulting from weak internal controls (4 marks). Development of a comprehensive series of audit steps designed to overcome the audit risk of weak internal controls. This demonstrates a deep understanding of the audit process.


5/7/2019 3:07:35 AM

Analysis of ratios and other information demonstrating audit risk assessment skills and critical and reflective judgement (4 marks). Comprehensive and articulate interpretation of all ratios and other provided information, synthesising an understanding of the ratios with an insightful analysis of the audit risks. Accurate interpretation of all ratios and other provided information, demonstrating a thorough understanding of how the ratios can be used to analyse the audit risks. Identification of audit procedures that minimise audit risk identified through the analysis of the ratios and the additional information (4 marks). All appropriate audit procedures identified with a comprehensive statement as to how these will minimise audit risk, demonstrating an insightful level of audit planning. All appropriate audit procedures identified. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of how these audit tests minimise audit risk.


5/7/2019 3:07:26 AM

Criteria High Distinction Question 1 Analysis of ratios and other information demonstrating audit risk assessment skills and critical and reflective judgement (4 marks). Comprehensive and articulate interpretation of all ratios and other provided information, synthesising an understanding of the ratios with an insightful analysis of the audit risks.


5/7/2019 3:07:20 AM

• Academic Literacy and Numeracy (Application) - CSU Graduates consider the context, purpose, and audience when gathering, interpreting, constructing, and presenting information. • Professional Practice (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates possess the knowledge and understanding of the discipline and the nature of professionalism required for the given profession or discipline in contemporary societies. • Professional Practice (Skill) - CSU Graduates demonstrate discipline-specific technical capabilities and self-appraisal required for a beginning practitioner or professional.


5/7/2019 3:07:14 AM

Please focus on memo I sent with the main file need to be focuse on presentation and marking carteria This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s: • be able to demonstrate risk management methodologies and the role of internal controls in an audit context. • be able to design an audit plan and select and apply appropriate audit procedures for a financial statement audit. • be able to exercise critical and reflective judgement and appreciate the value of ethical practice.

Write a Review

Auditing Questions & Answers

  What are some vitally important internal controls

What are some vitally important internal controls which should be in place including separation of duties in that department?) Again, be specific.

  Auditor might set a lower level of performance

1.Provide two examples of when an auditor might set a lower level of performance materiality for a particular class of transactions, account balance, or disclosure.

  Internal controls and substantive testing

Describe the substantive tests that you would perform on transactions in the acquisitions cycle of this system to gain adequate assurance over the assertions of completeness, cut off and accuracy.

  Correspondence between information and established criteria

Explain what is meant by determining the degree of correspondence between information and established criteria. What are the information and established criteria for the audit of Jones Company's tax return by an internal revenue agent? What are they ..

  Prepare an internal audit summary report for each weaknesses

Weaknesses of Internal Controls, Recommendations and Best Practices. Prepare an internal audit summary report for each weaknesses or deviations identified.

  Examples of ethical dilemmas

Examples of five ethical dilemmas that could arise during the audit process and determinge how you would resolve them.

  Should collier bicycles buy the wheels

Should Collier Bicycles buy the wheels from the outside supplier? Justify your answer.

  Compute the expected errors

What is your conclusion based on your sample, in terms of the effectiveness of this control - Determine that the control is not working well, state the compensating substantive test(s) that you would perform - Compute the "expected error

  How long are auditors given to finalize their audit

How long are auditors given to finalize their audit documentation following the audit report date? Once audit documentation is completed.

  Defining population when sampling

What is the importance of defining the population when performing audit procedures? How would defining the population affect the sample size? How would incorrectly defining the population affect the sampling unit?

  Prepare a memorandum covering in detail audit business risks

Diane has asked you to prepare a memorandum covering in detail the audit business risks you foresee arising from this potential new client.

  Describe the sentinel event and explain the roles

Describe the sentinel event and explain the roles (i.e. responsibilities, etc.) of the personnel present during the sentinel event.

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