Write a matlab script to display the even component

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM131229160

Consider the signal v(t) given below.


Write a MATLAB script to do the following

(a) Display v(t) and v(2t-1) in window 1 by using subplot.

(b) Display both the even component and odd component of v(t) in window 2 by using subplot.

(c) Verify if the system y(t) = sit(t) is time-invariant by displaying x1(t) = v(t), y1(t), x2(t) = v (t - 2), and y2 (t) ) in window 3,

(d) Verify if the system AO= tsin(x(t)) is time-invariant by displaying x1(t) = v(t), y1(t), x2(t) = v(t - 2), and y2(t) ) in window 4.

Reference no: EM131229160

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