Write a matlab script that performs dot product

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM13694967

Question: Let a and b be three-dimensional vectors. Write a MATLAB script that performs: 1. the dot product between the two vectors and 2. the cross product a × b. Note that the script should be general and thus should be able to perform the operations for any a and b specified by the user. Do not use the built-in MATLAB functions.
A = [ 1 0 3 -1]
[ 2 1 0 2]

Do not use the built-in MATLAB functions.

B = [ 4 1 0 ]
[-1 1 3 ]
[ 2 0 1 ]
[ 1 3 4 ]

You need to make well-formed and clean code. You should not copy and paste the code from other source.

Reference no: EM13694967

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