Write a matlab script program that evaluates the frequency

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM131915690

Questions -

Q1. Verify numerically the following relation.

153 = 13 + 53 + 33

1634 = 14 + 64 + 34 + 44

548834 = 56 + 46 + 86 + 86 + 36 + 46

Q2. Demonstrate numerically the validity of the following expressions.

cot(π/5) = 1/5 √(25+10 √(5))

sin(π/15) = ¼ √(7- √5- √(30-6 √5))

π = 16 tan-1 1/5 - 4 tan-1 1/239

Hint: use the Matlab intrinsic functions sin, sqrt, cot and atan; and the built-in Matlab constant pi.

Q3. Show numerically the validity of the following expression.

Sin(π/17) = (√2/8)√(γ2- √2(α+γ))


γ2 = 17 - √(17)

α = √(34+√2(√17-1) γ - 8√2√(√17+17)+6 √17)

Hint: Use the Matlab intrinsic functions sin and sqrt and the built-in Matlab constant pi.

Q4. The acceleration of a reciprocating engine piston is given by

a = rω2[cosθ + (n2cos2θ+sin4θ/(n2-sin2θ)3/2)]

where n = l/r , r is the crank arm length, l is the length of the connecting rod, ω is the angular velocity of the crank arm, and θ is the rotation angle of the crank arm. Write a Matlab code that takes n and θ as inputs and display the value of the ratio a/(rω2) on the screen. Test your code for n = 3 and θ = pi/7.

Q5. The second order differential equation:

d2y/dt2 + 2 dy/dt + y = x(t)

could describe the behavior of an electrical system, where x(t) is the input voltage and y(t) is the output volatage and dy/dt is the current. The complex ratio

y(ω)/x(ω) = 1/(-ω2+2ωj+1)

is called the frequency response of the system because it describes the relationship between input and output for sinusoidal excitation at a frequency of ω and where j is √-1. Write a Matlab script program that reads in a value of ω and evaluates the frequency response for this value of ω together with its polar form (magnitude and phase).

Hint: Use the built-in Matlab functions real (extract the real part of a complex quantity), imag (extract the imaginary part of a complex quantity), abs (returns the magnitude of a complex quantity) and atan2 (tan-1). Also, you may need to use the built-in Matlab constant i or j, where i = j = √-1.

Reference no: EM131915690

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3/26/2018 5:12:39 AM

Please do the problems and see the note, please. This is just to let you know that to submit the homework, you need to present a printout of the Matlab code and results in the workspace. It is recommend that you write and save the code in an m-file. As a back up, you can submit this m-file online to the Blakboard website. Also, one way to solve the "verify- questions in the homework is to subtract the two sides of the equation from each other and the result should be zero (or reasonably close to zero). Please note that the calculator should not be used to solve any question in the homework.

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