Write a matlab script program that computes efficiently

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM132405533

Assignment on Linear Systems

1. Consider the system

Dx = b - αc                 (i)

where D ∈ Rnxn, b ∈ Rn, c ∈ Rn and ξ1 with x = (ξi) ∈ Rn are given. Show how α ∈ R and the remaining of x may be computed so that (1) is satisfied. Your approach should use matrix and vector operations as much as possible. Implement your approach in Matlab using a script function that uses vectorization. Hint: Vectorization is for example the use of z = x*' + y instead of

for i = 1:n
z(i) = x(i) + y(i);

2. Write a Matlab script program that computes efficiently

ζ = dT BT E-1Bd

when d ∈ Rn, E ∈ Rnxn, B ∈ Rnxn are given.

Generate data using the given Matlab script program InpLinSys.m and run your script functions on these data.

Attachment:- Linear Systems.rar

Reference no: EM132405533

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