Write a matlab program to simulate the monty hall problem

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131214812

Write a MATLAB program to simulate the Monty Hall problem described in given Exercise. Run your program a large number of times and use the relative frequency to verify that your answer to given exercise is correct.


This classic problem was given widespread pop culture attention in 2008 by the movie "21." A form of this problem known as the Monty Hall problem appeared in the "Ask Marilyn" column in Parade Magazine in 1990. Although the column's author, Marilyn vos Savant, provided the correct solution, many readers wrote the magazine insisting that her solution was wrong. Can you get this tricky problem correct?

The Monty Hall Problem-You are on a game show where you are asked to select one of three doors and you get to keep the prize behind the door. Behind one of the three doors is a new car, while there are goats behind the other two. After you select your door, the host, who knows where the car is, will open one of the doors that you did not select, which he knows to contain a goat. After the goat has been revealed, the host asks if you would like to change your selection and choose instead the other unopened door. Are you better off keeping your original selection, changing to the other unopend door, or does it not matter?

Reference no: EM131214812

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