Write a matlab code in the spirit of the pseudo-code

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM132084538

Numerical Linear algebra Matlab: Hello, the question asks to get a matlab code from the pseudo code using a formula of an upper triangle.

Recall that if Ux = y, and U ? Mn(R) is upper-triangular, then xi = (uii)^-1*( yi - sum(uij*xj)) where the lower and upper limits of sum are j=i+1 and n respectively and where where i ? {1, . . . , n}. using this equation, write a MATLAB code in the spirit of the pseudo-code for row-oriented back substitution.

The pseudo code is: for i=1...n

for j=1,...,i-1 (not executed when i-1)


if gij=0, set errorflag,exit


Reference no: EM132084538

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