Write a lottery program to simulate the pick four lottery

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131952345

Assignment: Advanced Java Lottery Program

You are to write a lottery program to simulate the pick four lottery. This is a game where the user will pick four numbers (between 1 and 40 inclusive) and the computer will generate four random numbers (between 1 and 40 inclusive). Depending on how many numbers that are matched, a dollar prize will be awarded according to the following:

• Match 4 numbers $500,000 prize
• Match 3 numbers $50,000 prize
• Match 2 numbers $1,000 prize
• Match 1 number $100 prize

The specifications of the project are as follows:

• You must have user defined classes within the code. Code done in only one main method will not be accepted
• You may use any data structure that you like


1. You must have code to check that the user has entered an integer

2. You must have code to check that the user has entered 4 unique integers

3. You must have code to check that the user has entered 4 numbers under 41

4. Keep asking for input until all rules in steps 1,2 and 3 above have been met and 4 unique numbers under 41 are entered

5. Create code to check that the computer has entered 4 unique numbers

6. Create code to check if any numbers were matched and print the results

7. Create code to award the monetary prize (if any is due) and print the award

8. Create code to play until the user wants to stop. You must make sure the user can enter capital or lower case letters to allow the game to be played again. For example, if you are asking the user to enter "yes" , your program must be user friendly and accept any combination of capital of lower case letters such as yes, YES, Yes, yES, yeS(hint: you could use a Java string function to change the input to all lower case)

9. Create code to determine how many numbers the user entered matched the computer numbers (1,2,3,or 4 numbers matched)

10. Create code to calculate and print:

• How many games were played
• How many times 0 numbers were matched
• How many times 1 numbers were matched
• How many times 2 numbers were matched
• How many times 3 numbers were matched
• How many times 4 numbers were matched
• Percent of times the user matched 0 numbers
• Percent of times the user matched 1 numbers
• Percent of times the user matched 2 numbers
• Percent of times the user matched 3 numbers
• Percent of times the user matched 4 numbers
• How much money was won?

Reference no: EM131952345

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