Write a line of code that creates a dictionary

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132493624

Question 1: In the main, Please write a line of code that creates a dictionary called my_dict that maps the key 'chocolate' to the list ['chip', 'cake']. In put a line of code the adds the item 'ice cream' to the list associated with the key 'chocolate'. Given a variable sweet, then write an if-else block that checks to see if sweet is a key in the dictionary and if it is, adds 'mousse' to the list associated with the key; other wise it creates a new key-value pair with sweet as the key and a list containing 'mousse' as the value.

Question 2: Please write a function called get_keys that takes a dictionary and a value as arguments. It returns a list of every key that maps to the given value.

Reference no: EM132493624

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