Reference no: EM132421087
HRM 0202 Labour Relations - University of Manitoba
Assignment - Progressive Discipline
The purpose of this assignment is for learners to apply progressive discipline, which is an effective management strategy that works within the bounds of a collective agreement. Given the nature of the issue, learners will also be exposed to relevant sections of the Labour Relations Act for application. When done fairly, the progressive discipline process supports healthy union- management relationships. Learners are also provided with the opportunity to use key term expressions pertaining to labour relations.
How to Proceed
This assignment focuses on behavior in the workplace that management has deemed inappropriate. As Labour Relations practitioners or employees in a supervisory capacity, you will be presented with these types of issues and will need to determine when and how to implement progressive discipline.
1. Obtain a copy of your workplace's Discipline Policy and a current collective agreement or you may obtain them from any other source that is available to you, including the internet. Make sure to include proper reference to where you obtained the policy.
2. Read Case Study 3 in the Assessment Information widget.
3. Ensure you keep detailed notes on the main issues and different incumbents involved in the case.
4. Analyze the situation. Use whatever tools may be available to you, including the internet, Brown & Beatty, or any other.
5. Write either a letter of direction or a letter of discipline. It should be as concise as possible, while conveying all the pertinent information that you feel is required. Your letter should be between 500-750 words.
6. Write an email to the chief HR officer. Again, it should be as concise as possible, while conveying all the pertinent information you feel is required. Your email should not be more than 500 words (not including any attached documents).
a. Submit the letter of direction or discipline.
b. Include the attached policy, or policies, with referenced sections as applicable.
c. Include a copy of the articles referenced in the collective agreement or attach the agreement with the referenced articles.
d. Provide a brief overview of the issue the employer was confronted with.
e. Describe your strategy for resolving the issue.
f. Explain your rationale for determining the level of discipline.
g. Provide a list of references for the tools or resources you used to write your assignment.
Assignment : Progressive Discipline
• Write either a letter of direction or a letter of discipline.
• Write an email to the chief HR officer. Submit the letter of direction or discipline.
• Include the attached policy, or policies, with referenced sections as applicable.
• Include a copy of the articles referenced in the collective agreement or attach the agreement with the referenced articles.
• Provide a brief overview of the issue the employer was confronted with.
• Describe your strategy for resolving the issue.
• Explain your rationale for determining the level of discipline.
• Provide a list of references for the tools or resources you used to write your assignment.
Attachment:- Discipline Case Study.rar
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