Reference no: EM133010937
Job Title and Description: Decide what job you will work with. If you are currently working (but not supervising anyone), you can choose to develop your own employee performance objectives. If you are currently supervising someone, you could help them develop their employee performance objectives. What is the job title? Write a brief job description (one to two paragraphs) for the job/employee and the typical things an employee might do from day to day (such that if a person were unfamiliar with the job, they would know what the job does after reading your description).
Organization (or Department or Team) Goals: Find a copy of your team, department or organization goals. Start with your team first. If none exist, then try to find department goals. If none exist, then try to find a copy of your organization's goals. If organization goals do not exist, then try to write up some yourself (written for the team/department level). What are the goals of your department, team or organization? (Note, we will use organization goals, but this can refer to organization, department or team goals: whichever you will use)
Employee Performance Objectives (MBOs): Write three "Employee Performance Objectives" (MBOs) that support organization/Department goals. They may be written as short statements or a phrase. Two of your objectives should be strongly work-related. One of your objectives should be more personal-growth related (but still related to the job and organizational/department goals).
Major Tasks: Write three "Major Tasks" the employee will need to do within each MBO to help the Organization/Team achieve its larger goals. The Major Tasks should be written as sentences and adhere to the SMART criteria (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound).
Write a Justification for Each MBO. Write one to two paragraphs describing how the Employee Performance Objective supports the organization/department/team in achieving its goals.