Write a java program which reads a text file

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131535624

Queston: Please provide answer for below homework assignment. It is for JAVA and i use Dr. Java. also request it be //commented per java doc standards*/

This activity will enable you to apply what you will learn during this course. You need to write a program for the instructions given below:

Write a Java program which reads a text file and writes the content into a new file. During the read-write process, convert all the upper case letters into lower case ones. In other words, your programming task is to create a new file with the same content of the original file, only that all the upper case letters are converted into lower case ones in the new file.

Create your own text file to test your program. You will need to submit both the Java file and the text file during submission.

Reference no: EM131535624

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Write a java program which reads a text file : Please provide answer for below homework assignment. It is for JAVA and i use Dr. Java. also request it be //commented per java doc standards*/.
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