Write a java program using the java graphics

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13163698

Your task for this assignment is to write a Java program using the Java Graphics class to create an example of a computer generated image. This is an opportunity for you to explore computer graphics and exercise some individual creativity.

You should submit well-documented code, along with a lab report describing your work. What happened in the process of exploration and design for your project? How does your code work? How did you use other features of Java, such as branching routines or loops in your work? Tell us about the thoughts behind your finished work. What influenced your work?

Your work can be as simple or as complex as you would like, but be careful about taking on something that will be enormously time consuming. If you decide to work on figurative art, It might help to start with a single idea or concept, such assnowfall in the city, or along the Schuylkill. Figurative art can also be static or dynamic. Imagine how, for example, the Bedroom Window example at the end of this chapter could be subtly dynamic.

Your finished image for this project should be suitable for a general audience.

This assignment will be the final project for our class, although you will have a short assignment regarding Exceptions.

Reference no: EM13163698

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