Write a java program to traverse a directory structure

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132123205

Project Description:

Write a java program to traverse a directory structure (DirWalker.java) of csv files that contain csv files with customer info. A simple sample in provided in with the sample code but you MUST will run against a larger dataset.

• Your updated readme from first day of class must be completed (see lecture notes on Brightspace for moreinfo)
• The program should use (SimpleLogging.java) java logging for both info and all possible checkedexceptions
• Some lines in the file will contain incomplete records and should be ignored (andlogged)
- Counted as skipped rows,
• Program must use csv library(SimpleCsvParser.java)
• At the end the program should log - Total execution time - Total number of valid rows - Total number of skippedrows
• Submit repo in and eclipse & project files toGitHub
• Submit result file to directory "Output" inrepo
• Submit output log file from Linux to" output"directory
• Data Columns First Name, Last Name, Street Number, Street, City, Province, Country, Postal Code, Phone Number, emailAddress

Bonus Points - Add the date to the defined in the directory structure as a date data column (yyyy/mm/dd)

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All 6 of these programs are connected using the inheritance concepts. the program is created for reading the series of data files in CSV file and codings were also done for creating the single database table. another program is automatically logging the amount of time it takes to read the files in each directory and the time it takes to write the files are also done.

Reference no: EM132123205

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11/20/2018 3:08:05 AM

I got a perfect essay that made me score 9/10 in the assessment exam and it will surely enhance my grades that I had degraded in the previous exam due to incorrect and late submission of the assignment. But this time since it was done by your perfect tutors I was expecting some good marks and hurray I got it. Thanks to you dear team.


11/20/2018 3:07:53 AM

Hi, As per the requirement the program was perfect to iterate through each folder in the directory who's path is provided and extract the data, count the data (both skipped and valid rows), store in another CSV file, Add the date to the defined in the directory structure as a date data column & also have separate Log FIle to store all the logs. This is suppose to be a single program. All the modules are suppose to work collectively. Something like this.


9/26/2018 5:08:53 AM

Hi Can I share sample project shared at my college so that you code it in similar lines? Hi, I'm attaching the sample code for assignment.Code must be submitted in your repo called “A_M6710” Code must be located under a directory called “Assignment1” Output of program must be in a directory called “Assignment1\Output” Log file of program must be in a directory called “Assignment1\logs”

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