Write a java program to register students for a college

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131755

Project is for designing and developing a College Registration program. Write a Java program to register students for a college. Each student record will have name, address and courses fields. Students can enroll to multiple courses. Implement the interface class RegisterStudent. The RegisterStudent interface class should have a method, public boolean register(), which returns a boolean value (either true or false) based on whether a student is successfully registered to a course, or not.


  • Please make sure to develop a GUI based Java program that:
  • Have suitable structures to support enrolment of a new student.
  • Enrols existing student(s) to particular course (es).
  • Satisfies the Undergraduate/Graduate enrolment criteria.
  • Designs the student and course databases such that they conform to the project specifications
  • At any point of time the user must be able to view the details sorted in the required format.

Reference no: EM131755

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