Write a java program to draw a cityscape

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132139470

Assignment - "Method in our Madness"

The emphasis for this assignment is methods with parameters. In preparation for this assignment, create a folder called Assign_3 for the DrJava projects for the assignment.

A Cityscape

Write a Java program to draw a cityscape as seen below. The city consists of some number of buildings. Each building has multiple stories. Each story has windows. Your program should draw a random cityscape as defined below using Turtle Graphics and methods with parameters.

The problem can be defined as such:

  • A city consists of 3 to 6 buildings (inclusive), randomly chosen. The cityscape should be centered left to right on the display and ground level should be such that a 15-story building is centered top to bottom.
  • The buildings are of width 70 and should be horizontally centred left to right in the display
  • Each building is a rectangle with 5 to 15 stories (inclusive), randomly chosen.
  • Each story has two windows and is of height 30.
  • Each window is four 10x10 squares (remember, squares are also rectangles) centered within the story


  • Use a TurtleDisplayer with a 500x500 canvas: display = new TurtleDisplayer(yertle,500,500); which creates the display and places yertle on the display.
  • Use a FAST Turtle.
  • Consider using methods to draw the city of some number of buildings, draw a building of some number of stories, draw a window and draw a rectangle each with appropriate parameters.
  • Build your program bottom-up, that is, initially simply draw a rectangle, then draw a window, then a building and finally a city.


Details regarding preparation and submission of assignments in COSC 1P02 are found on the COSC 1P02 Sakai Site as Assignment Guidelines under Course Documents. This document includes a discussion of assignment preparation, programming standards, evaluation criteria and academic conduct (including styles for citation) in addition to the detailed assignment submission process copied below.

To prepare and submit the assignment electronically, follow the procedure below:

1. Ensure your folder (Assign_3) contains the DrJava project for the assignment.

2. Using DrJava, print (as a pdf file, e.g. using "printer" Microsoft Print to PDF or similar) the .java file for your assignment using the name ClassName.pdf where ClassName is the class name (i.e. same name as the .java file) and save the .pdf file at the top level of the assignment folder (i.e. directly within Assign_3).

3. Run the program. When the display is finished (i.e. Close button visible), select Print Image of Window... from the File menu on the TurtleDisplayer and direct the output to Microsoft Print to PDF saving the .pdf file at the top level of the assignment folder (i.e. directly within Assign_3) using an appropriate name (e.g. Output.pdf).

4. Create a .zip file of your submission by right-clicking on the top level folder (i.e. Assign_3) and selecting Send to/Compressed (zipped) folder. A zipped version of the folder will be created. Use the default name (Assign_3.zip).

5. Log on to Sakai and select the COSC 1P02 site.

6. On the Assignments page select Assignment 3. Attach your .zip file (e.g. Assign_3.zip) to the assignment submission (use the Add/Remove Attachments button and select Browse). Navigate to where you stored your assignment and select the .zip file (Assign_3.zip). The file will be added to your submission. Be sure to check the Honor Pledge checkbox. Press Submit to submit the assignment. You should receive a confirmation email.


The .zip folder you submit should contain the project folders for the two parts, including all files relevant to the project-the .java and .class files for the assignment-and the .pdf files for program listings and output at the top level.

Other Platforms

If you are using an IDE other than DrJava to prepare your assignment, you must include the .java source files and the .pdf files described above for each part as well as an executable file (likely .class or.jar) that will execute on the lab machines.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132139470

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