Write a java program to demonstrate the singleton pattern

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131438176

Write a Java program (non-GUI i.e only Java class) to demonstrate the Singleton pattern.

The key parts of the singleton pattern are:

A private static variable to store the single instance called the singleton

A public static method for callers to get a reference to the instance

A private constructor so no callers can instantiate the object directly

Using these key parts, write a Java program that will allow a user of the program to assign only one runner to each of the 8 lanes of running track in a field.

Include a brief documentation (using java comments in the code) and screen shot of output of the program..

All Individual (programming) assignments require students to submit code zipped, code with java comments, screen shot of build output and screen shot of non-GUI output in Net Beans environment

All code must we written to generate output in non-GUI application (Java->Java Application). Do not use forms in your Java Application for PRG/421 course. Use only Java class in your project.

Reference no: EM131438176

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