Write a java program to analyse log files

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131502108

Software Development Assignment: Test-Driven Development and Graphical User Interface Programming

Section 1: Learning Objectives

  • To experience team-based program development using an approach similar to test driven development.
  • To develop a Graphical User Interface.
  • To develop your skills in object oriented design including: inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.
  • To develop your skills implementing software patterns.
  • To demonstrate your ability to write clear, understandable program code.

Section 2: Your Tasks

You must obtain the incomplete source tree from the assignment repository on BitBucket. The link to obtain the repository is listed above.

  • You will need to provide a solution to a problem written in the Java programming language.
  • The necessary functionality of your solution is described in this specification document.
  • In addition, you will be provided with a 'Javadoc' Application Programming Interface specification.
  • You must develop comprehensive test suites in JUnit for the classes produced by your partner.

Section 3: Scenario

Pizza Palace is a restaurant in West End, Brisbane. Last year, they had a group of students from Kingsland University of Technology develop a logging system that recorded orders placed at their restaurant. They would now like to produce a system that interprets the logs and displays the information on a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Section 4: Downloading Code

You need to download some pre-existing code from a repository on BitBucket. The link for the repository is provided on the first page. You should import the repository into Eclipse using the steps outlined in the GitForPracs document available on Blackboard. You can find this document using the following steps: Blackboard->Learning Resources-> Help Guides and Other Resources.

Section 5: Problem Details

Your task is to write a Java program to analyse log files and display the derived information to a GUI. Each log file contains information about a set of pizza orders split into two main sections:

1. Information about the pizza being ordered; and

2. Information about the customer ordering the pizza.

There are certain constraints regarding the pizzas and customers which your program must adhere to. Here, we describe the constraints relating to pizzas and the customers, then we outline the log file and finally, describe the functionality required for the GUI.

Section 5.1 Pizzas

Section 5.2 Customers

Section 5.3 The Log Files

Section 5.4 The GUI

Section 6: Example Log File

Attached are some example log files (all with valid imput)

Section 7: Detailed Tasks

The source tree for the assignment includes the packages shown in Figure 2. The key subdirectories are:

  • src: This directory contains all the source code. As a team you will need to complete code for system functionality in the asgn2Customers, asgn2Pizzas, asgn2Resurant, asgn2GUis, asgn2Wizards packages as well as test code in the asgn2Tests package.
  • doc: This directory contains the API. It has been generated using the Javadoc tool on a complete system.
  • logs: This directory contains some test logs.
  • libs: This directory contains the libraries for JUnit and Hamcrest.

Section 7.1 Tasks by Package

Please Note: For all packages and classes carefully check that you have spelt the file's name correctly, otherwise it will not work with our automated marking software.

Section 8: Testing and Exceptions

The following principles need to be followed when dealing with testing and exceptions in Assignment. Please note that this these principles only refer to the classes in following packages: asgn2Pizzas, asgn2Customers, asgn2Restaurant, asgn2GUIs, asgn2Wizards. Exceptions in your JUnit tests should be handled as per the standard covered in lectures and tutorials.

Section 8.1 - What types of errors are there and where should errors be handled?

Section 8.2 - Propagating Exceptions Without Violating the API

Section 8.3 - Rethrowing the Same Exception

Section 9: Test Driven Development and Teams

Section 9.1 - Breakdown of Work

One of the keys aims of this assignment is to give you experience working in a team based test driven development scenario. Therefore, you should be designing and implementing the test cases for your partner and vice versa. As such, the breakdown of the work should be as listed in Table 5. For most of the classes you will be able to work individually (individual model classes and individual test classes). However, sometimes both team members will need to work on the same class and sometimes on the same method (shared model classes).

Section 9.2 - Forming Teams

Section 10: Additional APIs

We will cover the vast majority of work required to complete the assignment in class. However, there are some additional APIs which you will need to read yourself. This is not an uncommon practice in Java software development since the JDK is large and so programmers regularly use unfamiliar APIs. Note you should have already covered the desired functionality in your previous programming units, so you should know what needs to be done even if you don't know explicitly how it should be done in Java. Here, we have listed the some of the APIs and provided links to the Official Java Tutorial.

Section 11: Class Interaction

Section 12: Academic Integrity

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131502108

Questions Cloud

Explain the meaning of each of gardners five minds : Explain meaning of each of Gardner's Five Minds. Analyze your own level of competency in each of the Five Minds. Describe your experience in each of Five Minds.
Develop an outline of a program for a chosen wmd event : Develop an outline of a program for a chosen WMD event or bioterrorism attack (e.g., anthrax attack, nuclear attack, explosive device, or smallpox).
How the proposal defines the customers needs : Focus on how the proposal defines the customer's needs and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal.
Discuss the degree to which the business model depends : Discuss the degree to which the business model depends upon the operations function relative to the other five functions
Write a java program to analyse log files : CAB302 Software Development Assignment: Test-Driven Development and Graphical User Interface Programming. Your task is to write a Java program to analyse log files and display the derived information to a GUI
Write a justification for capital purchase to vice president : Write a justification for capital purchase (750-1,000 words) to your vice president as to why this would be a good investment for the hospital.
Organization strategic plan : Why is recruiting the right talent connected to an organization's strategic plan?
Build up from an apa style : A term paper is to be build up from an APA style format limited words of 800 words in " Medical Coding and billing " in general.
What factors you should consider when writing your variance : Write a paper of 750-1,000 words that explains what factors you should consider when writing your variance report to your vice president.



5/20/2017 2:35:15 AM

This is a pair project so that you can experience team based test driven development. However, we will be calculating separate marks for each team member (Person A and Person B). By default, we will be averaging these two marks and assigning the average to both team members. However, there are cases where a team member may request an individual mark rather than the average. You need to provide a PDF document that contains Both student names and numbers, A statement indicating if one team member would like to receive an individual mark rather than an average mark. (optional) and Evidence of testing using screen shots for each of the GUI functionality outlined in Section. Assignment uses a class only found in Java 1.8 (LocalTime). Please make sure that your version of Java is up to date.


5/20/2017 2:35:09 AM

The procedure to submit Assignment 2 is similar to Assignment 1 with the following changes: You need to produce a document that contains the details outlined in Section 13.7. You need to produce a record of your version control contributions. You need to produce a set of suitable Javadoc. You need to save your zip file using the name “nAAAAAAA_nBBBBBBB.zip” where nAAAAAAAA is the student number of Person A and nBBBBBBB is the student number of person B. You must submit your completed assignment as a complete source tree. In particular, you must respect the specific class name and package structures. You must submit your solution before midnight on the due date to avoid incurring a very firm late penalty and a mark of zero.

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