Write a java program that reads a sentence consisting

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133389711

Question: Write a Java program that reads a sentence consisting of five words and determines the shortest word and longest word. For example, if sentence "earth rotates around the sun" is entered by the user, the program should print the following in the console: You entered "earth rotates around the sun". The shortest word has 3 characters. The longest word has 7 characters. Note that entire sentence should be read from the Scanner using the nextL'i ne() method. The indexofO and substr'i Hg 0 methods should be used to extract each word. You may use any of the Math and String methods we have learned in Level 2 and Level 3. You may not yet use an IF statement (ie any type of decision statement) or a loop. We are still practicing with the Math methods and String methods.

Reference no: EM133389711

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