Write a java program that implements the flowchart

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132109240

Project Description

The Department of Engineering Technology (ET) at the University of Toledo offers five programs: 1) Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET), 2) Electrical Engineering Technology (EET), 3) Construction Engineering Technology (CET), 4) Computer Science and Engineering Technology (CSET), and 5) Information Technology (IT). The printed copies of the flowcharts are provided.

Each program has a specific flowchart that outlines a list of core courses and elective courses a student has to take to graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in that particular program. Each Program's flowchart is divided into four years: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. A student must take a specified number of credit hours in each year. All students must complete a minimum of 128 credit hours of course work to graduate.

Write a java program that implements the flowchart of one of the five programs offered by ET department. The java program must list the course number and name of all courses and the associated credit hours, for example, CSET 1200 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures - 3 hours. This applies to both core courses and electives.

The program should prompt a student to enter all the courses taken. Then the program should return a message that displays the total number of credit hours completed, the total number of credit hours missing, and the list of classes that need to be taken. If a student has completed all required course work, the program should return a congratulatory message.

Your code must list all classes in the flow-chart in each category. For example, in CSET, you should have the following categories: EET CSET, ENGT, ENGL, PHY, MATH, Communications, Professional Development Electives, Humanities, Social Sciences, and so on.

A sample run of your code could look like this: What is the total number of CSET courses you have taken? Then the user enters the number. After that the user lists all those courses. The program then tells the user, "you have x CSET credit hours remaining."

The same goes for other category of classes. Finally, the code displays to the student the total number of credit hours left, a list of classes and the respective credit hours left for each class. Otherwise the code displays a congratulatory message.

Reference no: EM132109240

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