Write a java program that (1) defines a base/super class a

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13168476

Write a Java program that (1) Defines a base/super class A, a subclass B (inherits from A), and a subclass C (inherits from B). The A class must have a method f() which is not implemented in A, but is overridden in both B and C. The class B must have a public method g() that is statically bound (i.e. cannot be overridden.) In class C you define a g(int) method; Each method body (applicable) prints out a line such as "calling method x defined in class y." (2) Write a client code that creates two objects, one an object of B, and the other an object of C. The object of B calls method f() and g(), and the object of C calls f() and g(3). 

Reference no: EM13168476

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