Write a java program named showescapesequences

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131272139


In this lab you will learn how to use the Java Software Development Kit (SDK) with the Eclipse programming tool. In addition, you will create three simple Java programs.


Program files for each of the following three programs.




At the beginning of ALL your programs, put a comment box that includes the program name, your name, and a brief description of the program.


Program Name: ProgramName.java

Programmer's Name: Student Name

Program Description: Describe here what this program will do

How to submit your assignment:

The programs MUST have the same names as the assignment title (ShowEscapeSequences, Circle, and PracticeArithmeticOperators).

Each Java source file (*.java) must include a corresponding class file (*.class) program as evidence of success.

In addition to the program source code files and byte code files, put all your program source code files and screen shots of your program output files into a Word document.

You must use a zipped folder to send your weekly assignment to the Dropbox. Do not send subfolders within your zipped folder. Place ALL of the .java and .class files for the week into the one zipped folder. The zip folder should be named: CIS355A_YourLastName_iLab_Week1, and this zip folder will contain all the weekly programming assignments.


Environment Setup (required, but not graded)

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The iLab has all the software that you will need for this course, but many students prefer to download and install the software on their own computers. If you choose to do this, you will need to download and install the following:

Java Standard Edition: You must install version 5 or later. This is also called Java SE, Java 5 SE, JDK 5.x, or JSDK 5.x. This must be installed first. You can download Java free of charge from https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html.

You should also review the following tutorials.

Eclipse Installation: Eclipse is a programming editor. If you prefer, you can use Windows Notepad or another programming editor. If you decide to use Eclipse, it must be installed after you install the JDK.

Running Eclipse: This tutorial shows you how to use Eclipse that you just installed. If you are using Eclipse under Citrix, you must choose the F: directory as your workspace directory.

STEP 1: ShowEscapeSequences

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Write a Java program named ShowEscapeSequences.java that displays the following.

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"Business Application Programming with Lab using JAVA"

Reference no: EM131272139

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