Write a Java application with GUI for a saving account

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133115796

Payroll System - Class Activity

You create the GUI using SceneBuilder and save the file as payRollSystem.fxml. Create a project and include the files from Week 3 for Employee class, Salaried Employee class, and HourlyEmployee class. You should have an AddEmployee Button to add the employee to an ArrayList of Employees. Create a JavaFXMain class and a payRollSystemController.java class. Add the event handler method so that when the user enters the details and clicks the AddEmplyee button, an appropriate employee is created and added to the ArrayList.

You will have most of the code in Week 3. The data should be obtained using the GUI control methods.

Question 1. Create the following GUI. You do not have to provide any functionality. Open the .xml file created and understand the structure and elements of it.

Question 2. Create the following GUI. You do not have to provide any functionality. Open the .xml file created and understand the structure and elements of it.

Question 3. Write a Java application with GUI for a saving account. The components of GUI contain three labelled text fields, one each for the initial amount of the account, the annual interest rate, and the number of years that money has been deposited. In addition, add a "Calculate" button and a text area to allow displaying the balance, and total interest accrued. You can use a simple interest formula to calculate the interest accrued. When the "Calculate" button is pressed, the result of the account is displayed on the text area. You can attempt different layouts for GUI components.

Question 4. Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator BMI = weight in kg/(height in meter * height in meter)

Create a BMI calculator that allows users to enter weight and height and then calculates and displays the user's body mass index. It should also display the following information:

BMI values:
Underweight: less than 18.5 Normal: between 18.5 and 24.9

Overweight: between 25 and 29.9 Obese: 30 or greater

Question 5. Create an application to store the contact details. A Contact should contain first name, last name, email, and phone number (others can be added). The first names of Contacts should be displayed in a listview. When the user selects a name from the listview, the contact details should be displayed in a grid of TextFields or a Table. As the information is modified (a Contact's Data is updated, a new Contact is added or an existing Contact is deleted), the contacts listview should display the updated list of names.

Attachment:- Payroll System.rar

Reference no: EM133115796

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