Write a java application to create and maintain a phone book

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131936895


Maintaining a Phone Book with Array Lists

Computers and personal digital assistant (PDA) devices help to organize many aspects of one's life. A common application is a contact list, or phone book, where names, phone numbers, and often much more information about friends and business contacts is maintained. Write a Java application to create and maintain a phone book as shown in Figure 9-53. Users should be able to add a new contact, delete an existing contact, update the phone number of an existing contact, or enter a name to find the phone number of an existing contact. Once a contact is entered, the name cannot be changed. Display appropriate messages when a user successfully adds, updates, or deletes a contact. If a requested contact successfully is found in the phone book list, display the name and phone number in the Name and Phone number text boxes, respectively. Display appropriate error messages when any action fails. For Java 5.0, use type safe Array Lists and static imports, where appropriate.

1228_Figure 9-53.jpg

Reference no: EM131936895

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