Write a java application that prompts the user for pairs

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131299590

Decision Control and Loops with User Interaction:

Write a Java application that prompts the user for pairs of inputs of a product number (1-5), and then an integer quantity of units sold (these are two separate prompts for input values). You must use a switch statement and a sentinel-controlled loop(i.e., a loop that stops execution when an out-of-range value, such as -1, is input). All 15 items below are for a single purchase. There are five sets of inputs as follows:

Product 1   1 unit   (cost is $2.98 per unit)
Product 2   2 units   (cost is $4.50 per unit)
Product 3   3 units   (cost is $9.98 per unit)
Product 4   4 units   (cost is $4.49 per unit)
Product 5   5 units   (cost is $6.87 per unit)

Your application must calculate and display the total retail value of all products sold after all five pairs of inputs are completed. You must also display the total after each new pair of input values is entered

(Deitel & Deitel, 2012, p. 194).

You may use the Windows Command Prompt command line interface or any Java IDE you choose to compile and execute your program.

You are to submit the following deliverables to the Assignment Dropbox in a single Microsoft Word file:

a. A screen snapshot of your Java source code (just the beginning is OK) as it appears in your IDE (e.g., jGRASP, Net Beans, Eclipse, etc.) or editor (e.g., a Windows Command line more of the .java file's first screen).

b. A listing of your entire Java source code in the same Microsoft Word file as item a). The source code should be placed in the Word file so that it follows the screen snapshot from item a). To obtain the copy of your source code, you can simply copy and paste the text from your IDE into Microsoft Word. Be sure to maintain proper code alignment by using Courier font for this item.

c. A screen snapshot of your program's input and output in the same Microsoft Word file, and following item b). You must include screen snapshots of all inputs and all outputs, not just a sample.

Your instructor will compile and run your program to verify that it compiles and executes properly.

You will be evaluated on (in order of importance):

Inclusion of all deliverables in Step #2.

Correct execution of your program.

Adequate commenting of your code.

Good programming style (as specified in the textbook's examples).

Neatness in packaging and labeling your deliverables.

Deficiencies in any of the above areas are subject to deductions in each area, based on the severity of the deficiency.

For an example of what these assignment components could look like, click here: EXAMPLE

Note that there is a single correct answer for the order total!

You must put all your screen snapshots and source code into a single Microsoft Word file.

Reference no: EM131299590

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