Write a function that collects integers from the user until

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM13168448

 Write a function that collects integers from the user until a 0 is encountered and returns them in a list in the order they were input (ML only).

B) Use the functions you wrote for exercises (b) and (c) to write a program to input a 0-ended list of integers, print the list in the order entered, and print the maximum and minimum of the list. For this exercise, use only ML.

C)Write Quicksort for a list of integers (ML only).

D) A Pythagorean triple is a tuple of integers (xyz) such that x * x + y * y = z * z. Write a function with a parameter n to print all Pythagorean triples such that 1 ? x ?y ? z ? n.

E) Write a higher-order function twice that takes as a parameter a function of one argument and returns a function that represents the application of that function to its argument twice. Given the usual definition of the square function, what function is (twice (twice square))?

Reference no: EM13168448

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