Write a function named change

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Reference no: EM132128918

1. Write a function named check () that has three parameters. The first parameter should accept an integer number, andthe second and third parameters should accept a double-precision number. The function body should just display the values of datapassed to the function when it's called.

2. Write and test a C++ function named makeMilesKmTable () to display a table of miles converted to kilometers. The arguments to the function should be the starting and stopping values of miles and the increment. The output should be a table of miles and their equivalent kilometer values. Use the relationship that 1 mile = 1.61 kilometers.

3. The volume, V, of a cylinder is given by the formula

V= πr2 L

where r is the cylinder's radius and L is its length. Using this formula, write a C++ function named cylvol() that accepts a cylinder'sradius and length and returns its volume. Make sure your function is called from main() and returns a valueto main() correctly. Have main() use a cout statement to display the returned value. Test the function by passing various data to itand verifying the returned value.

4. Write a function named daycount() that accepts a month, day, and year as its input arguments; calculates an integer representing the total number of days from the turn of the century to the date that's passed; and returns the calculated integer to the calling function. For this problem, assume each year has 365 days and each month has 30 days. Test your function by verifying that the date 1/1/00 returns a day count of 1.Have main() use a cout statement to display the returned value.

5. Heron's formula for the area, A, of a triangle with sides of length a, b, and c is

A = √[s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)]

s = (a + b + c)/2

Write, test, and execute a function that accepts the values of a, b, and c as parameters from a calling function, and then calculatesthe values of s and [s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)]. If this quantity is positive, the function calculates A. If the quantity is negative, a, b, andc do not form a triangle, and the function should set A = -1. The value of A should be returned by the function. Test the function bypassing various data to it and verifying the returned value.Have main() use a cout statement to display the returned value.

6. Years that is evenly divisible by 400 or is evenly divisible by 4 but not by 100 are leap years. For example, because 1600 is evenly divisible by 400, 1600 was a leap year. Similarly, because 1988 is evenly divisible by 4 but not by 100, it was also a leap year. Using this information, write a C++ function that accepts the year as user input and returns a 1 if the past year is a leap year or a 0 if it isn't.

7. Write a function named change() that has an integer parameter and six integer reference parameters named hundreds, fifties, twenties, tens, fives, and ones. The function is to consider the past integer value as a dollar amount (no cents) and convert the value into the fewest number of equivalent bills required for change. Using the reference parameters, the function should alter the arguments in the calling function. Have main () use a cout statement to display the returned value.

8. Write a function named time() that has an integer parameter named seconds and three integer reference parameters named hours, mins, and secs. The function is to convert the passed number of seconds into an equivalent number of hours, minutes, and seconds. Using the reference parameters, the function should alter the arguments in the calling function.

9. For the following section of code, determine the data type and scope of all declared variables, using the column headings shown in the following chart.

Variable Name      Data Type      Scope
Key                    char             global to main( ), funcl( ), and func2( )

#include <iostream›,
using namespace std;
coast char KEY;
coast long NUMBER;
int main()
int a,b,c;
double x,y;
return 0;
double secnum;
int funci(int numl, int num2)
int o,p;
float q;
return p;
double func2(double first, double last)
int a,b,c,o,p;
double r;
double s,t,x;
return s * t;

Reference no: EM132128918

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