Write a function called lowertrim that takes two arguments

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Reference no: EM132081434

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Write a function called lowerTrim that takes 2 arguments: x and trimBelow. This function takes the average of those values in x that are greater than the trimBelow. Make x a required argument and supply a default value for trimBelow of negative infinity.

First create some variable to be used for testing later.

x = 1:5 y = letters z = list(a = 1:5, b = 1:10)

Now test your function with the following

lowerTrim(x) lowerTrim(-10:5, trimBelow = 0) lowerTrim(-10:5, -2) lowerTrim(x = -10:5, trimBelow = Inf)

The return values should be: 3, 3, 2, and NaN, respectively

Write a function c d lowerTrim that takes 2 arguments: x and trimBelow This function takes the average of those values in x tha are greater than the trimBelow. Make x a required argument and supply a default value for trimBelow of negative infinity

First create some variable to be used for testing later x 1:5 y letters z list (a 1:5, b 1:10 Now test your function with the following lowerTrim(x) lowerTrim(-10:5, trimBelow 0) lower Trim (-10:5 -2) lowerTrim (x 10:5 trimBelow In The return values should be 3,3, 2, and NaN, respectively

Reference no: EM132081434

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