Write a fraction class called fraction.java

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940757

Write a Fraction class called Fraction.java that implements following methods:

add ─ This method receives a Fraction parameter and adds the parameter fraction to the calling object fraction.
multiply ─ This method receives a Fraction parameter and multiplies the parameter fraction by the calling object fraction.
print ─ This method prints the fraction using fraction notation (1/4, 21/14, etc.).
printAsDouble ─ This method prints the fraction as a double (0.25, 1.5, etc.).

Separate accessor methods for each instance variable in the Fraction class. Please use the attached driver code to test the implementation of Fraction class.

Sample Output

Enter numerator; then denominator.

Enter numerator; then denominator.

Enter numerator; then denominator.

Attachment:- JohnSmithProg7.zip

Reference no: EM13940757

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