Write a finance term paper about thailand currency crisis

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Reference no: EM131065063

Write a Finance Term Paper about Thailand: 1997 currency crisis.

Term paper outline:

• Country profile

- Country geography
- Ethnic race, language and population

• Economic background
• Currency regime history
• Currency crisis:

- What had happened?
- How and why it had happened?
- Consequences and aftermath

• Current economy and currency update

Economic background:

• Country comparative advantages
• Balance of Payment (BOP):

- Current account: major imports and exports
- Capital account: FDI
- central bank reserve

• GDP:

- size and growth, per capita
- Unemployment rate

• Inflation
• interest rate level
• Fiscal balance / government debt

Research Sources:

- World bank website
- CIA: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html
- IMF website
- tradingeconomics.com

Reference no: EM131065063

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