Write a few paragraphs on how you might use insights gained

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Reference no: EM133538475

Reflection Homework

This homework will explore Ellis's Irrational Beliefs, but if you have read the chapter on Existentialism you will see the tie in. READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.

I. First: Complete this worksheet. You may print it out or download the word doc and answer the questions on the word doc. You do not need to submit this worksheet but you'll need it for the second part. Here's the worksheet. BELIEFS INVENTORY.docx

Follow the first set of instructions at the top of the first page and mark the statements that you agree with or disagree with. There are instructions on scoring following the statements, don't read them until you've finished responding to the statements, then follow the instructions that follow the statements to score your worksheet.

II. Second: After you have your scores, note which particular Irrational Beliefs you scored highest on. Use your top THREE (3) Irrational Beliefs for the second step.

View the PPT: Irrational Beliefs.pptx

Then use the Word doc: What is Irrational.docx

Note your top 3 Irrational Beliefs and use the examples of alternative thoughts/beliefs in the What is Irrational document to come up with your OWN original challenges to your 3 Irrational Beliefs.

III. Third: Write a few paragraphs on how you might use insights gained from this exercise and how adopting more rational beliefs about situations might benefit you personally- what would life be like if you let go of the irrational belief?

Reference no: EM133538475

Questions Cloud

Describe the hindu trinity and the role of each part : Describe the Hindu Trinity and the role of each part. Explain one of the similarities between Hinduism and Jainism. Explain one of the differences.
Explain your personal philosophy of leadership : Briefly explain your personal philosophy of leadership. Briefly explain your contribution to the team project.
Why did the second business model fail for command audio : Why did the second business model fail for Command Audio? Could that failure have been avoided?
Compare the competitors product offerings-prices : Compare the competitors' product offerings, prices, website ease of navigation, appeal, and use.
Write a few paragraphs on how you might use insights gained : Write a few paragraphs on how you might use insights gained from exercise and how adopting more rational beliefs about situations might benefit you personally.
What problems do you anticipate in generating cash flows : What are the various methods that cash will flow into your business? What problems do you anticipate in generating cash flows?
Identify the key elements in cloud and mainframe computing : ITECH1104 Cloud And Enterprise Computing, Federation University - Explain the importance of cloud and mainframes in contemporary business models
What are the barriers the young people face in their search : What are the barriers the young people face in their search for work? How are these barriers reflective of structural and institutional barriers
Describe a well-designed life as a community : Describe what your ideal team would look like. Reflect on how often you would meet to describe a well-designed life as a community.


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