Write a essay on strategic management

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131467445 , Length: word count:3000

Task -

You are required to write a 3000 word essay on either Strategic Management or Sustainability as follows:

  • Use an organisation that is or has been in the news during the past two years (work related learning) as an example of strategic management practices. Failing that, select an organisation with which you we very familiar such as your cuffed employer.
  • Apply and evaluate at least three theoretical concepts to either Strategic Management or Sustainability.
  • Go on to examine and evaluate critically how these theoretical concepts influence managerial practices in your chosen organisation with reference to either Strategic Management or Sustainability.
  • Critically reflect on these practices and compile a series of recommendations that would enhance either Strategic Management or Sustainability practice in your chosen organisation.
  • Academic and professional communication skills: You must follow an essay structure that is at a minimum an introduction; a main body that outlines the argument, analyses the material you have researched and assesses this according to the guidelines above; and a conclusion. Your writing style must follow professional literacy: Citations and a final reference let that follows the APA 6 guidelines accurately; the quality of writing and presentation: accurate mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation etc.); use respectful language to discuss all people; avoid emotive language; employ inclusive, non-sexist language. Use a minimum of ten citations/references.

In short, you will need to demonstrate an understanding and critical analysis of the theories surrounding the topic, as well as evaluating the Practical reality in the workplace. Please refer to relevant academic literature and source materials, as well as drawing upon your knowledge of the organisation.

Reference no: EM131467445

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4/19/2017 5:15:45 AM

The Assessment must adopt an essay structure and not that of a management report. Writing style must follow professional literacy. Citations and a final reference list mist be included that follow the APA6 citation guidelines accurately. The quality of writing and presentation: accurate mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation etc.); use respectful language to discuss all people; avoid emotive language; employ inclusive, non-sexist language. Minimum of ten (10) citations/references used. Students must use APA referencing in their assessments.


4/19/2017 5:15:39 AM

Australian student, total 3000 words. This assignment is designed to address Learning Objectives: familiarising students with the various theories relating to organisations and organisational planning and control and encouraging students to discern the strengths and weaknesses of the wide array of theoretical contributions; also encouraging students to use empirical evidence to support their arguments.

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