Write a essay on Is a College Degree for Everyone

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Reference no: EM131872958

Writing Diagnostic -

Write a well-organized essay arguing a position on one of these topics. Include a clear thesis statement and support your view with reasons, examples, and details.

OPTION 1: Is a College Degree for Everyone?

According to College Atlas, 70% of Americans will study at a 4-year college, but less than 2/3 of them will graduate with a degree, and 30% of college freshman drop out after their first year of college. At VU, less than 10 percent of students who test into remedial courses ever finish a degree. We claim everyone is equal, but are they? Does everyone have the intellect, ambition, and work ethic it takes to complete a college degree? What are the consequences to students, families, colleges, and the economy for this mindset?


OPTION 2:  Should College Athletes Be Paid?

In a 2014 cover story for Time magazine, Sean Gregory presented the argument that college athletes should be paid:

[T]op men's basketball and football players spend 40 hours per week on their sports, easily. [...]

Players are essentially working full-time jobs while going to school; they deserve to be paid more than a scholarship. Because even full-ride athletic scholarships don't cover the full cost of attending school, athletes are often short a few thousand bucks for ancillary expenses on top of tuition, room and board, books and fees: money for gas, shampoo, and, yes, maybe a few beers. Some athletes are only on partial scholarship or are walk-ons still paying full tuition.

NCAA rules forbid players from being compensated, but the NCAA profits heavily off of college athletes. Others, though, argue that the scholarship packages many college athletes receive is payment enough.  On top of that, athletes receive tutoring, mentoring, free coaching and training, and physical therapy, which can, according to Forbes magazine, add up to anywhere between $50,000-$125,000.

Reference no: EM131872958

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2/21/2018 6:44:46 AM

Directions: Write a well-organized essay arguing a position on one of these topics. Include a clear thesis statement and support your view with reasons, examples, and details. Use standard English and avoid errors in grammar and spelling. Type the essay in Microsoft Word in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Double-space. 1-2 pages. Cite any sources used. Print out and hand in.

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