Write a draft thesis statement responding to that editorial

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Reference no: EM133496065

Assignment: Business Management Project

Part I

Try to choose something related to aviation

A. Tell us the specific topic you want to write about. What position do you anticipate you will you take on the topic?

B. Editorials are published for the public to read in magazines, trade journals, and newspapers (all of which can also be found online). Specifically, by name, what publication could you submit your editorial to? Who is their average audience? Why did you choose this publication?

C. Find an editorial on the topic that you want to write about. This is what you will respond to with your OWN editorial, whether you agree, disagree, or both. Link to the editorial and give a brief (less than 3 sentences) summary of the editorial.

D. Write a draft thesis statement responding to that editorial,

When you respond to your classmates, please point out:

A. Questions you have about the topic if you were to read their editorial.

B. Points of agreement or disagreement the audience might have--this will help your peer anticipate objections and overcome them.

C. Ways your peers can make the topic more specific or interesting to catch their readers' attention.

Part II


An annotated bibliography is a way to focus your research, pre-write, evaluate your sources, and begin to see how your sources will add to your project. It is a document that cites your sources and then gives a brief description of each of the sources. It is your opportunity to begin thinking about your project and the types of research you may still have to do.

In your upcoming editorial, you will have to cite 3 total sources. Two of them must be scholarly journal articles and the third source can be your choice, as long as it is credible.

Elements you will need to cover in your annotated bibliography:

A. The three sources you think you are most likely to use for this project with the proper works cited entry for the source.

B. Compose three complete, brief paragraphs to include:

1. a brief summary of your source;
2. how accurate or reliable you think the source might be;
3. and how you will use the source in your project.

Here is an example of a one entry in an annotated bibliography:

Finnegan, Joanne. "Add Cardiologists to the List of Doctors in Short Supply." FierceHealthcare, 27 July 2018.

A. In the 2018 article, "Add Cardiologists to the List of Doctors in Short Supply" author, Joanne Finnegan describes an increasing shortage in cardiologists in the US and reasons that contribute to this shortage. According to Finnegan, among the reasons for the lack of cardiologists are the baby boomer generation's aging, preference of cardiologists practicing in urban areas, and an increase in obesity of population. In addition, even though the shortage will boost salaries for cardiologists, "physician productivity measured in terms of professional collections stayed flat over the last five years" (Finnegan).

B. Even though this article is from a non-scientific website, I consider the source reliable because it cites qualified individuals. Joanne Finnegan is the editor for FiercePracticeManagement and worked for almost 20 years as a newspaper reporter before becoming a healthcare writer and is a credible author herself. In her article, Finnegan cites Lyle Oelrich, a principal in PYA, a healthcare consulting company. Despite being published in 2018, this article does not lose any of its strengths because it also represents data from the Association of American Medical Colleges that predicted a possible "shortage of up to 120,000 physicians by 2030" (Finnegan).

C. I will use the article "Add Cardiologists to the List of Doctors in Short Supply" by Joanne Finnegan to support my claim that the cardiovascular labor shortage is significant in this country and emphasize an even worse decline in the supply of the CV workforce in the near future. As Lyle Oelrich, a principal in PYA, a healthcare consulting company, stated, "Older and fewer physicians specializing in cardiology, coupled with the aging of baby boomers and gravitation toward practice in urban areas, will continue to exacerbate shortages in physician services in the specialty of cardiology, especially in rural areas, over the next decade" (Finnegan).

Part III

As you begin your editorial for Unit 4, one of the first steps is to complete an outline to organize your plans.

First, keep in mind that an editorial is a persuasive essay that responds to a particular topic. It's easier to write an editorial when you are responding to a particular perspective on a topic. This is why you had to choose an editorial to respond to in last week's discussion. Most editorials deal with responding to an opposing point of view, but it is possible to write an editorial that agrees with an opinion and adds more information. Chapter 4 in They Say I Say does a great job of covering ways to respond, including templates.

Here is an overview of the parts and order of a template from another teacher, Mr. Alan Weintraut.

This is an outline template I created to help you organize your information and begin your draft. Use this template to complete this outline assignment.


Position you are responding to

Your position (agree, disagree, or both AND why)

Explanation of the Controversy (context for background information)
Thesis (Opinion pro or con) statement:

Body Paragraph I
Reason the Opposition Supports Its Stand
Opposition's Claim
Opposition's Evidence:
Your Analysis

Body Paragraph 2 (start with weaker point first)
Reason 1 why your stand is best:


Body Paragraph 3
Reason 2 why your stand is best


Restatement of thesis:

Call to Action (what do readers need to do to participate in the solution)
Final Punch.

Reference no: EM133496065

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