Write a css rule that gives all hl and h2 elements

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132043793

1. Write a CSS rule that gives all hl and h2 elements a padding of 0.5 ems, a dashed border style and a margin of 0.5 ems.

2. Write a CSS rule that changes the color of all elements containing attribute class = "green, move" to green and shifts them down 25 pixels and right 15 pixels.

3. (Text Shadow) Create a text shadow on the phrase "New features in C553" with a horizontal *fact of 2px, a vertical offset of Spx, a blur radius of 6px and a text- shadow color deepskyblue.
4. (Text Stroke) Create a tat stroke on the phrase "New WebKit features". Make the color of the tat Lightinue. Use a 3px Navy text-stroke and sec the font-size to 70011

Reference no: EM132043793

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