Write a critical reflection report

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133114348

OSCM 5140 Supply Chain and Logistics Management - Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Write a critical reflection report. The reflection is based on your observations of the course material from the class throughout this semester. The length of your report will be at a minimum of five (5) pages.

Choose three (3) in a total of any principles and concepts from week 1 to week 5 that you found interesting, puzzling, or useful that you experience. When writing the assignment, be sure to use an example to demonstrate the relevancy for each of the three (3) principles and concepts that you chose.

Using keywords and/or writing in a bullet format is unacceptable. Should this be found, your entire assignment will be graded as zero. Thus, your thoroughness and university-level writing are expected.

Learning Objectives
- Illustrate the framework for supply chain information technology
- Describe the major supply chain information technology components
- Discuss how the major framework components are integrated to integrate supply chain processes
- Discuss the role of blockchain technology in the supply chain

Reference no: EM133114348

Questions Cloud

What is the after-tax cost of debt : The bonds have 6 years to maturity and sell for 95% of par and BCE's tax rate is 22%. What is the after-tax cost of debt?
What was the total cost of the loan : Sandra will be transferring from a community college to a university in the fall. She has calculated that she will need to take out a $50,000 loan for the three
Calculate nathan capital gains tax liability : Calculate Nathan's Capital Gains Tax liability for 2021/22, assuming he made no other disposals during the year and he had a taxable income of £30,700
Assignment on west coast body art : Assume you are the president of a large investment banking firm. On a whim, you decide to purchase a company named West Coast Body Art.
Write a critical reflection report : Write a critical reflection report. The reflection is based on your observations of the course material from the class throughout this semester.
Determine the tax effect of the transactions : Determine the tax effect of the transactions that took place during 2020 and 2021 for Mr. B's Net Income For Tax Purposes (NIFTP) and Taxable Income
Calculate the standard deviation of a portfolio : Calculate the standard deviation of a portfolio that is 54% invested in AAA and the remainder in BBX.
Neuromarketing is controversial marketing technique : Neuromarketing is a controversial marketing technique. Research the issue and respond to the following questions in your discussion:
E-marketing customers : Describe the characteristics used to identify and profile online users and how those characteristics differ from descriptions of traditional consumers


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