Reference no: EM132220986
You are to write a critical book review of Lewis Masur's The Soiling of Old Glory, about the Boston Busing Crisis and the famous photograph by Stanley Foreman. For details about how to write a critical book review, see the link below on this subject. Also, see the link on the Chicago Style.
A critical book review requires that you engage with the argument of the writer, his (in this case) rhetorical position and his means of building his argument. It asks you to assess his argument, to a degree, but also to consider his rationale for writing and his contribution to the field. It will be impossible, for the most part, to do this latter part, as doing so requires expertise in the field.
So you can skip that. This is not a book report, so I do not want a summary of the book. Also, the best bit of advice I ever got in writing a book review was to review the book I read, not the book I wish the author had written.
In other words, the who, what, and when are part of what you must consider, but you should essentially think about the how and why of both the content of the book and Masur's approach.
This is an assessment of your engagement with the book on an intellectual, not emotional level. I say this because I have got book reviews in the past almost entirely centred around the student's opinion as to whether the book was interesting or boring. You will probably want to avoid that.
Your paper should be 5-7 pages, double-spaced. Please include page numbers. And do not put your name on anything other than the title page, so nowhere on the inside of your paper. In writing the paper, you should consider what you have read and learned in this course, or any other course where you've examined either Boston or the issues raised here.
This should always include footnotes to cite your info. You can also use any of the course materials, including discussions. These should also be cited. You may also include some reference from Robert Alisson`s A Short Story of Boston and Michael Rawson`s Eden on the Charles.