Write a critical analysis of to build a fire by jack london

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Reference no: EM13988603

Write a critical analysis of "To build a fire" by Jack London

(link to full story text "To Build a Fire" below)


Write a 750-950-word essay on one of the following topics. Aim for a 5-paragraph essay structure (introduction with thesis, three or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion). The word count does not include the Works Cited page or formatting.

Your essay should be formatted in MLA style, including double spacing throughout. All sources should be properly cited both in the text and on a works cited page. As with most academic writing, this essay should be written in third person.

In the upper left-hand corner of the paper, place your name, the professor's name, the course name, and the due date for the assignment on consecutive lines. Double space your information from your name onward, and don't forget a title. All papers should be in Times New Roman font with 12-point type with one-inch margins all the way around your paper. All paragraph indentations should be indented five spaces (use the tab key) from the left margin. All work is to be left justified. When quoting lines in literature, please research the proper way to cite short stories, plays, or poems.

Be careful that you don't create a "cut and paste" paper of information from your various sources. Your ideas are to be new and freshly constructed. Also, take great care not to plagiarize.

Reference no: EM13988603

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