Write a cover letter for an advertised job

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM13839665

1. Write a Formal Letter:

SOLICITED LETTER: Write a cover letter for an advertised job, or a job about which you have specific knowledge (perhaps a new opening at your current place of employment).

2. Write a Resume:

CRITICAL THINKING. Create a skills resume. A skills resume emphasizes the skills you have used, rather than where and when you used them. Skills resumes are useful when you are changing fields; you want to combine experience from paid jobs, activities and/or volunteer work; you have gaps in employment; or you have education in a field in which you have not been employed. Skills resume may also include job history at the end of the document.

3. Write a Formal Letter:

INSTRUCTOR LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION: Write a letter directly to me (your instructor) and use the Fort Lauderdale campus address as my address (1900 W. Commercial Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309). In the letter you will ask for a letter of recommendation for a job or graduate school entry. Be sure to include:

What information you would like to see included in the letter
Who to send the letter to
When the letter needs to received
Where to send the letter

4. Write an Email:

Assume you have just completed an interview for a new job. Send an email thanking the person you met. Be sure to reiterate any points that you want the interviewer to remember about you and your skills. Your submission should include all elements of the email: Address, Subject Line, Salutation, and Signature Block. You can compose this on your computer and copy and paste a screen shot in a Word document, or compose it in a document that replicates an email format.

Reference no: EM13839665

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