Reference no: EM131263518
Each chapter includes an exercise based on Appendix A: Grammar and Mechanics: Competent Language Usage Essentials (C.L.U.E.). This appendix is a business communicator's condensed guide to language usage, covering 50 of the most used and abused language elements. It also includes a list of frequently misspelled words as well as a list of confusing words. The first ten exercises presented with each chapter will systematically focus on specific grammar/mechanics guidelines.
The last six chapter exercises will cover all the guidelines plus spelling and confusing words. Sentence Structure Study sentence structure in Guides 1-3 of Appendix A beginning on page A-2. Each of the following sentences has one sentence fault. On a sheet of paper, write a correct version and identify which guide is violated. Avoid adding new phrases or rewriting sentences in your own words. You may need to change or delete one or more words. However, your goal is to correct the sentence with as few marks as possible. When finished, compare your responses with the key beginning on page Key-1.
1. To succeed as a knowledge worker in today's digital workplace. You need highly developed communication skills.
2. Companies are looking for individuals with strong writing and grammar skills. Because employees spend at least 50 percent of their time processing documents.
3. Businesses are cutting costs they are eliminating many layers of management.
4. Knowledge workers may be distracted by multitasking, however clear communication requires shutting out interruptions.
5. Face-to-face conversations have many advantages. Even though they produce no written record and sometimes waste time.
6. The grapevine can be a major source of information, it is also fairly reliable.
7. Knowledge workers must be critical thinkers they must be able to make decisions and communicate those decisions.
8. Management uses many methods to distribute information downward. Such as newsletters, announcements, meetings, videos, and company intranets.
9. Ethical companies experience less litigation, they also receive less resentment and less government regulation.
10. Horizontal communication starts with coworkers downward communication starts with decision makers.