Write a constructor that accepts arguments for each field

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131599360

Programming Challenge 4 of Chapter 6 required you to write a RetailItem class that holds data pertaining to a retail item. Write an exception class that can be instantiated and thrown when a negative number is given for the price. Write another exception class that can be instantiated and thrown when a negative number is given for the units on hand. Demonstrate the exception classes in a program.
Reference: Programming Challenge 4:

RetailItem Class Write a class named RetailItem that holds data about an item in a retail store. The class should have the following fields:
*description. The description field references a String object that holds a brief description of the item.
*unitsOnHand. The unitsOnHand field is an int variable that holds the number of units currently in inventory.
*price. The price field is a double that holds the item's retail price.

Write a constructor that accepts arguments for each field, appropriate mutator methods that store values in these fields, and accessor methods that return the values in the fields. Once you have written the class, write a separate program that creates three RetailItem objects and stores the following data in them:

Description Units on Hand Price
Item #1 Jacket 12 59.95
Item #2 Designer Jeans 40 34.95
Item #3 Shirt 20 24.95

The output needs to look like this:
Enter the item description: candy bar
Enter the units on hand: -5
Error: Negative number given for units: -5.0
Enter the units on hand: 5
Enter the item price: -10
Error: Negative number given for price: -10.0
Enter the item price: 10
You entered:
Description: candy bar
Units on hand: 5
Price: 10.0

Reference no: EM131599360

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