Reference no: EM132198000
Write a constructor (you choose the signature) for a Deck class that creates a 48 card Pinochle deck.
A Pinochle deck contains only cards with ranks 9, 10, J, Q, K, A of the four suits S, H, D, C, but it contains two cards of each suit and rank.
Hint: You may use the Card class of the War1 Project.
Also use the suits array from the Deck constructor: char[] suits = {'S', 'H', 'D', 'C'}; Write a nested for loop that fills the deck with the 48 cards.
b. Write a main method that creates a Pinocle card deck using the Deck constructor from part a, shuffles the deck 10 times, creates three empty Deck object, and deals 15 cards each from the full Picocle deck to the three initially empty Deck objects.