Write a console program that asks for two positive integers

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM132040795

Programming Assignment -

You must complete the following problems on your own.

Problem 1: This question, we would like to implement a simple word guessing game in a Windows form Application. The program chooses a word at random and displays the number of letters of that word. The user will repeatedly guess letters until the full word has been discovered.


Your program should begin by randomly choosing one of the 100 words from the words.txt file. It should then display the number of blanks for the secret word. For example, if the secret word is BANANA, then your program should display something like this: Word: _ _ _ _ _ _

The user will repeatedly guess letters until the whole word has been guessed. After each guess, the program should give feedback to the user. Either the letter is part of the secret word, in which case the letter should be displayed, or the letter is not found in the word, in which case the user should be notified. For each wrong letter, a counter will increment, and the game will end if the user makes 5 wrong guesses. You may be creative with your counter, use a "hangman" style counter, or use color code style, etc. The following depicts a situation (in "hangman" style) where the user has entered the letter A, followed by 3 wrong letters: Word: _ A _ A _ A

In your program you should create variables for the secret word, the display_string, and the number of wrong guesses that is accessible in all functions (see below). You may break your program down into as many methods as you'd like. However, you must include the following methods:

1. Create a method called get_secret that reads the file words.txt and randomly chooses a word. This function should be used (called) each time the game starts, storing the result in the variable called secret. Initially, display_string should be a string of n underscores ( _ ) with n equal to the length of the secret word.

2. Create a method called is_valid_input that returns true or false depending on whether the user input is valid. A valid input is one that is one-character long. If invalid, an error message should be provided to the user. The function should also include a referenced variable to store the valid input.

3. Create a method called display_guess that simply takes the current display_string and the number of missed guesses so far and displays them on the form.

4. Create a function called process_guess that takes the user's guess (one letter) and should update the display_string if the guess is correct (the letter is in the word), or increment the "wrong guesses" counter. For example, in the iteration of the game shown in the figure above:

- the secret word is "BANANA"

- the display_string is "_A_A_A"

- the user guess is "N"

After executing the function process_guess, the new display_string should be: "_ANANA"

Problem 2: Write a console program that asks for two positive integers a and b. The program will then display all prime numbers between that range. Your program should check for whether a<b, that they are positive numbers, and that they are not strings. If an error occurs, specify the error to the user and continue to ask for the range.

Start by writing a method called all_primes that takes in two positive integers a and b (where a<b). Then simply prints out all the prime numbers between a and b.

You may also find it helpful to create a function called prime that takes in one positive integer n and returns true or false depending on whether it is a prime number.

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Reference no: EM132040795

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7/5/2018 2:19:00 AM

Subject - Programming Languages. I need this assignment within 5 hours. You must complete the following questions on your own. Unfortunately, no late submissions will be accepted. You will be graded on: Completion and proper submission, Correctness, Error Checking and Reporting and Proper comments (including an explanation of how you solved the problem).


7/5/2018 2:18:54 AM

Problem 1 Submit: Submit your program as a zipped project file. Screenshots of several test cases of your program. Make sure the program you submit can create the results (otherwise, no marks will be given). Problem 2 Submit: Your program as zipped program file. Screenshots of several test cases of your program. Several cases giving valid results and several cases giving False. Once again, make sure the program you submit can create the results (otherwise, no marks will be given).

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