Reference no: EM131343956
Write a console-based C++ program that requests the user to input a single positive integer as input and waits until the student presses the Enter key:
Please enter number, then press Enter key: 8
The program will then write the following output according to the following rules:
1. If the number is divisible by 3. The program will give the output "Number: # - Fizz"
Please enter a number, then press Enter key: 6
Output: Number: 6 - Fizz
2. If the number is divisible by 5. The program will give the output "Number: # - Buzz"
Please enter a number, then press Enter key: 10
Output: Number: 10 - Buzz
3. If the number is both divisible by 3 and 5. The program will give the output "Number: # - FizzBuzz"
Note. If the number is NOT divisible by either 3 or 5, the program will give the output "Please enter another number."
Please enter a number, then press the Enter Key: 30
Output: Number: 30 - FizzBuzz
Expand the application to accept a comma separated list of numbers and print the output of each number according to the rules above.
Example: Please enter an array of number(s): 3,10,30
Output: Number: 3 - Fizz, Number: 10 - Buzz, Number: 30 - FizzBuzz
Note. Utilize pointers where appropriate.
Modify the FizzBuzz program developed in Week Two to record the user input using an array. The function must have the prototype int FizzBuzz(int, int), where the function takes the row number input from user as the first parameter and the column input amount by the user as secondparameter. Create the function to output the number of guesses user takes until they get a FizzBuzz output.
Replace this code in the body of your program with a switch statement. When the user successfully enters a number that gets desired FizzBuzz ouput, prompt to ask if the user wants to play again.
Include the proper header and make sure you properly comment your program. Also, make sure you use proper coding conventions.
Modify the FizzBuzz program further by designinga class CFizzbuzz with two private data members that store a name up to 14 characters long and an integer item number. Define a getFizzbuzz() function member of the CFizzbuzz class that will set values for the data members by reading input from the keyboard and a putFizzbuzz() function member that outputs the values of the data members.
Implement the getRecord() function so that a calling program can detect when a zero item number is entered. Test your CFizzbuzz class with a main() function that reads and outputs CFizzbuzz objects until a zero item number is entered.
Include the proper header and make sure you properly comment your program. Also, make sure you use proper coding conventions.
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