Write a console application in the java programming

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132365525


You are required to implement a basic Java program using Java Standard Edition 8.0 or higher. This assignment is designed to:

Practise your knowledge of design classes in Java

Practise the implementation of various kinds of classes in Java

Practise the use of polymorphism


NOTE: Carefully read this document. In addition, regularly follow the Canvas assignment discussion board for assignment related clarifications and discussion.

For this assignment you need to write a console application in the Java programming l anguage which allows a hotel named CityLodge to manage the renting and maintenance of two types of hotel rooms: standard hotel rooms and suites.

Implementation Requirements

Your Hiring Record class must meet the following requirements:

Override the public String toString() method to return a string containing the details of a hiring record in the following format:


(notice how the colon is used as a separator)

Implement a public String getDetails() method. This method should build a string and return that string. The returned string should be formatted in a human readable form as shown below. This method

MUST NOT do the actual printing to the console

Implementation requirements for all room classes (standard room and suite)

Each room must maintain its own collection of hiring records. These records store information about the 10 most recent times that room has been rented.

The following methods can be called on any object of type standard room or suite:

public boolean rent(String customerId, DateTime rentDate, int numOfRentDay)

public boolean returnRoom(DateTime returnDate)

public boolean performMaintenance()

public boolean completeMaintenance(DateTime completionDate)

public String toString()

public String getDetails()

Implementing the CityLodge application class

You are required to implement a class named CityLodge which contains a single collection to store up to 50 objects of both types standard room and suite. Objects of type standard room and suite will be added at runtime by the user of your program via Console input using a menu system described below.

Design Requirements

You must work out an object design for the above task. You should take advantage of object-oriented concepts such as composition, inheritance, method overriding, abstract classes, interfaces wherever appropriate.

Class hierarchies, relationships and components must be conceptualised in a relevant manner, based on the problem description and special conditions listed in this document. Furthermore, you must be able to explain how your program design will perform in certain scenarios and circumstances.

It may be necessary for your design to provide more functionality, such as accessors and mutators, than is specified in the above sections here for the mechanics of your design to work.

Attachment:- JAVA Programming.rar

Reference no: EM132365525

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9/4/2019 12:30:00 AM

Eclipse IDE for Java DevelopersVersion: (4.12.0)Build id: 20190614-1200 PAge 11of the requirement file says " You must submit a zip file of your project via Canvas. In Eclipse, rightclick on your project, select Export, select General, then select Archive File to export your project as a zip file.? Before submisison, check the zip file you submit carefully to make sure that i t contains all your code,i.e. all .java files.? After you have submitted the zip file on Canvas, download your submission from Canvas again and unzip, check i f all your source code, all .java files exist.

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