Write a complete summary of the information

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131524805

The quality of the points presented in writing depends on the quality of the source material chosen to include in the writing. An annotated bibliography begins the preliminary research process and serves as an ongoing list of sources that will support your final paper in Week 5. Using scholarly sources helps you with the following:

Scholarly sources will give you credible work that your instructors and employers will acknowledge.
The skills of paraphrasing and summarizing are foundational for any research writer.
The more you strive to understand what another writer is trying to communicate, the more you will be moved to make your voice heard as a writer.

Conduct several searches using any of the databases in the University Library.

Select three scholarly, academic sources from the library search that support the topic you plan to present in your final paper.

Write a complete summary of the information presented in each article, using your own words.

Write your analysis of the best use of this information in your paper; for example, how will this information support your comparison-contrast essay.

Identify a possible topic sentence and claim the information will support.

Format your title page according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131524805

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